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Health and Wellbeing

Individual, one to one support, face to face or online via zoom. A blend of Coaching, Counselling and Compassionate Inquiry. 


Focus on achieving balance and letting go of learnt beliefs and destructive behaviours. Building presence, compassion, non-judgement and living authentically.


Specialising in

Anxiety, depression, ADHD, 

weight loss/lifestyle, reactivity, confidence/self-esteem, bereavement, addiction (behavioural and substance).






Men's Groups

A safe space to connect with other guys who want to work towards achieving a healthy balance. Exploring core beliefs and how they show up in our lives. Learning to be mindful and how to show up authentically in our relationships. Tackling toxic-masculinity and building strength together through shared vulnerability.
-8 week programme
-Weekly sessions, online and facilitated
-Mondays @ 7.15pm UK time.
-No more than 10 per group.

rio de janeiro brazil

Trips & Events

Book Group

A BI-weekly online group to read/listen to life changing books and discuss with friends. I book per month. May's book is "The body keeps the score" by Bessel Van Der Kolk

Get involved here




10 day wellness trip Brazil. Sao Paulo to Rio (Meditation, group circles, treks, waterfalls, beaches, breathwork and optional plant medicine.)


Camping in Lake district (UK countryside); Breathwork, Pilates, Meditation, group circles, treks, wild swimming/cold water emersion.


Get in touch to find out more.


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Telephone: +447733737773




emcc membership

I am a member of EMCC and abide by the Global Code of Ethics

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