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"It's not about feeling better, it's about getting better at feeling" Michael Brown

social impact brazil

Hi all, and welcome to my website, Megalithic Coaching. My name is Greg Reeve, a certified and fully insured Compassionate Enquiry informed Counsellor and Well-being Coach based in Hertfordshire, UK. Here is a little about me and what to expect from us working together. 



My work life started in secondary school education in 2012, teaching Economics, PE, and working closely with SEN students and vulnerable young adults with complex needs. My career then gravitated towards Rugby coaching, which found me in the Australian suburbs, inner city London (Harlequins) and then finally working in community outreach in deprived areas of Sao Paulo, Brazil for 4 years with Premiership Rugby and the British Council. It was here in Brazil that I was introduced to mindfulness, meditation and self enquiry. I became curious and started reading about spirituality, religion and mental health, attracted to the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, Dr Gabor Mate and AH Almaas (among many). This study inevitably then led to exploring mindfulness practices, bodywork, and plant medicines which further deepened that curiosity and understanding.


These experiences and an interest in meditation, healing and lifestyle medicine sparked a move away from sport and community outreach into the support and care of others, getting involved with the NHS in 2019. As a Health and Well-being Coach in primary care I would quickly learn that achieving balance with health (diet, exercise, sleep and mental/physical relaxation) was a complicated process. It became clear that lifestyle choices were very much linked to emotions, core beliefs and thought patterns developed in early childhood and continuing today in to adulthood. In my public sector practice, I would develop an approach combining my coaching/teaching/ counselling skills, knowledge of lifestyle medicine and Compassionate Enquiry, a therapeutic approach developed by Dr Gabor Mate and Sat Dharam Kaur. More info can be found here: Compassionate Inquiry with Dr. Gabor Maté.


My Approach

This unique approach of CI informed counselling/coaching partly involves looking at ourselves objectively and assessing practical areas of our lives where we can take action to improve our overall health and well-being. This may involve addressing unhealthy behaviours/addictions, diet, exercise, sleep hygiene etc and getting into healthier patterns of behaviour that will lead to better physical and mental health outcomes.


Paired with this practical understanding, the majority of the work essentially involves getting to know ourselves better. This requires us to get curious about and acknowledge our triggers, understanding why we are reacting to certain situations. It promotes taking authorship of our stories rather than getting caught in the narrative, understanding where we may have formed our core beliefs and perceptions early on in our lives. We can then develop compassion for and connect with the younger self, allowing us to see things from the child's perspective. This cognitive understanding is further deepened by connecting with and making space for the implicit emotions/feelings that come up in our bodies, experiencing them in the present moment in a safe, non-judgemental space. This allows us to be with what is there when triggered, remembering what it brings up in us from the past, learning to respond consciously rather than unconsciously reacting. This approach is hence both cognitive and somatic, helping to foster a stronger connection between mind and body and between the unconscious and conscious mind.


In summary, the process is about developing kindness and compassion for the self and others, rediscovering the truth of who we are and living with balance and authenticity. This inevitably leads to improvement in health and well-being as we make healthier choices, escaping negative cycles we have previously been stuck in.


My responsibility to you as a professional is to be an empathetic, present witness for every minute we are together. I bring 100% confidentiality, honesty and transparency and complete faith in you to achieve your goals. It is not my responsibility to fix you or give you advice, but to accept you as you are and trust that you have the answers already. It is a client-led process that asks questions rather than giving an opinion or diagnosis.  



6 sessions, monthly or bi-weekly, is generally enough to address a core issue, however this obviously varies on a case by case basis and the complexity and depth of the work we do. Whilst some clients may only need a couple of sessions to get to the route of something, others may need more time or have other issues they wish to explore. Be assured that there is no right or wrong way to do this and it varies from person to person as to the depth to which you wish to go. An important acknowledgement, however, is that the process is not just the 50 minutes or so we may to be together, but involves going away and applying what we do on a day to day basis, noticing and getting curious when issues explored present in daily life. 


For a free 20-40min (no obligation) consultation, to talk more and ask any questions you may have then please get in touch on the contact page. There is absolutely no pressure to commit to sessions, more just an opportunity to see if we connect and could work well together. The prices I charge vary on a sliding scale depending on your income and what you are able to pay. If you feel you cannot pay the required amount, or want to pay more then don't be afraid to ask and we can discuss options.


Thanks for coming to visit, and feel free to send any queries or thoughts you have directly on the contact page. I am available in both English and Portuguese.


I wish you all the love, peace and kindness on your journey.


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Telephone: +447733737773




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