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I was referred to Greg by my GP. He felt it might help my stress levels and some health problems after losing my husband , mother and a very close friend in a short period of time followed by Covid restrictions.
I was cynical at first having been brought up to have a stiff upper lip and say I’m fine. I found the sessions very helpful . It made me look at myself in a  new light and he gave me techniques to cope with different situations.
For all those that are hesitant about seeking help give it a try. It has been well worth it. He has time to listen.

Pam 78 yrs

I have a lifelong disability which over time will affect my ability to walk and I've battled with embarrassment and denial for a long time.  I have been meeting with Greg for nearly 7 months. I didn't realise how bad I was feeling, I had a real attack on my self-confidence, how I felt about myself, how I saw myself and a real fear about what other people thought of me.  I would isolate myself from situations, never felt good enough, and really hated my body. 


I've always thought of myself as a positive person, however, After just one session I finally found someone who seemed to understand me had a genuine sense if wanting to help and It was like nothing I experienced before. Yes, I'm positive but I didn't like myself and an instant weight was lifted. I've paid for therapists over the years who have helped me to an extent, but Greg is extremely positive, thinks the same as me and automatically put me at ease. I was able to open up my feelings and emotions on a whole new level. 


I have tried and enjoyed meditation, and holistic therapies previously, and our sessions have been mind opening, and has made me view myself in a completely different light. Of course, there's still moments when I doubt myself and start to worry about small things but using techniques, I've learned combined with our sessions I feel I now look at my life differently with less stress, less self-doubt, and more confidence to be me, and I'm not all that bad! 


I highly recommend to anyone who's maybe lost, feels inadequate, having issues with body confidence, or just stressed and needs someone to talk to. Everybody needs Greg in their lives! 

Michelle 33yrs

I wanted to say a huge thankyou for helping me to re-evaluate my life. You encouraged me to reflect on things and enabled me to make positive change in my work/life balance and habits. I thought of you when I read this; "Our way is not soft grass; it's a mountain path with lots of rocks. But it goes upwards, forward, towards the sun." All the best.



Just wanted  to thank you.


I felt that your service  came at a very pertinent  time in my life. Although I was referred  as a result of high cholesterol  level  and therefore the aim was to address my life style,  there was so much more that came from your sessions.

Through the work that you did I was able to address a lot of different  issues/ feelings , understanding why I was feeling  certain emotions and learning and practising strategies  to cope with my feelings . 

The face to face , human contact really helped me to engage with this.

On reflection  now  I feel in a much better place. I have moved forward, can talk more honestly,  accept the way I feel without feeling  guilty and really connect with my emotions. 

Leaving " the door open" to your services gives me the opportunity  to talk to you either about concerns or indeed positive  outcomes in my life. 

Thank you again.



Having been seeing Greg for a while now, he has been instrumental in allowing me to process traumatic events in my life and manage to cope with them better than I was previously. Being an Autistic person, I obsess over things that sometimes aren't healthy to keep obsessing over. Greg has helped me to manage some of these obsessions and behaviours, and put them to one side until I am able to deal with the issue at hand without it causing me further harm, and to deal with the resultant panic. 


I have found Greg to be one of the most empathic, insightful and knowledgeable individuals within his field I have had the fortune to have come into contact with. I can not thank him enough for his time, patience and humanity.


David D. 41yrs

Greg has been a massive help in my mental health journey from general health and well-being advice to helping me through childhood trauma. Right from our first session he has made me feel completely relaxed and able to open up. Greg makes me feel heard and understood, he really listens and cares. Through his compassion and reflective and thought provoking advice he has helped me come to realisations that have allowed me to change my mindset for the better. He listens without judgement and speaks in a way that makes you feel like you are with a friend.



 Emma 30yrs

I started to have sessions with Greg after acknowledging I struggled to process some of my emotions and let them take over in certain situations particularly around anxiety with my little girl. 

Greg was so welcoming and instantly I felt comfortable and safe to talk openly and honestly. Although sometimes the sessions were more challenging than others and more emotional I really felt relieved every-time I left. Sometimes talking about certain things were quite overwhelming and surfaced some things I had to come away and process but after thinking and talking about them I felt I was on a journey to understanding myself and how best to process things and accept my feelings.

I feel now I have a much better awareness of my mental health and a much deeper understanding of what can trigger some of those big emotions for me and I’ve learnt how to accept these and process them without letting them take over. 

My sessions with Greg have been so beneficial and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend his services to anyone who is ready, he is really great and I am so thankful to him! 


Janine 32

Dear Gregory,


Thank you for creating and holding the safe space for me to travel back in time and connect to traumatic experiences of my early childhood. 


Thank you for gently guiding me to those memories and enabling me to feel the emotions which were still with me in my present life.


During counselling sessions with you I felt safe and was guided towards deep healing on emotional and physical level.


In a seamingly simple procces starting with connecting to my bodily sensations you helped me to find my way to the place of past trauma, listen to whatever needed to be heard, then embrace and love myself at that moment. 


I cried and laughed with a relief in the presence of unconditional love. 


I am now learning to be compationate with myself. I feel much better on so many levels.


Thank you Gregory!



I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you very much for all your help. I had no idea what our sessions would be like before we first met. You have guided me to confront feelings I wasn’t even aware existed and also look at my past experiences and how that has shaped my present behaviours, which in turn has helped me to address this.


From our time together I have made huge progress, emotionally, spiritually and physically. A big part of my soul has been healed and I wanted to express my sincere gratitude to you for that. 


I’ve also lost a stone in weight with healthy eating and exercise (none of which we even talked about) it’s just happened naturally.


You have helped me to accept myself, feel comfortable in my skin and also to love myself as well. 


I have learnt not to blame but to be aware.


I honestly can’t put into words how much you’ve helped me.


I wish you the very best on your next journey and sincerely hope our paths cross again.


Thank you so much.



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